Metagross is one of the foremost Steel-type Pocket Monsters in Pokemon GO. Hailing from the Hoenn region, it was released in Niantic's mobile game on February 9, 2023. Its shiny form has been around since the 10th Community Day in the game, held on October 21, 2018. On this day, the Iron Leg Pokemon got access to the exclusive Charged Attack Meteor Mash for the first time.

Since then, Metagross has been available for nearly five years, and it has been able to learn Meteor Mash. However, since it is a Legacy Move, only Metagross caught or evolved during specific events have access to this move.

Pokemon GO Fest 2023 Global once again brings the opportunity for players to have a Metagross that knows Meteor Mash without using items. That said, many players might be wondering if it is worth farming Beldum during the event to evolve it into a Metagross to get the Legacy Move. This article will clear all such doubts.

Is Meteor Mash worth it in Pokemon GO Battle League?

Metagross in the anime (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Metagross is a decent pick in the Master League of Pokemon GO Battle League. It has favorable matches against meta picks like Zacian, Xerneas, Dialga, Lugia, Dragonite, and Mewtwo.

Metagross' go-to moveset involves Bullet Punch as a Fast Attack and Meteor Mash and Earthquake as Charged Attacks. Meteor Mash is one of the two Steel-type STAB options that the critter gets, the other being Flash Cannon.

Meteor Mash has a base 100 damage and consumes 50 energy to use. Boosted by STAB, Meteor Mash deals base 120 damage, bringing its damage per energy (DPE) to 2.4. Metagross' alternative Steel-type Attack, Flash Cannon, deals base 110 damage but consumes 70 energy. Even with STAB, its DPE comes to only about 1.89.

Psychic is the critter's other STAB option, but at only 1.96 DPE, it doesn't match up to Meteor Mash's power. Moreover, Metagross needs a Steel-type Charged Attack to deal with Fairy-type critters like Xerneas and Zacian in the format. Metagross' second Charged Attack has to be Earthquake to fight against Fire and Steel-type Monsters, who pose a threat to it.

All these factors make Meteor Mash a must-have Charged Attack for Metagross to become viable in the GO Battle League.

How to get Metagross with Meteor Mash in Pokemon GO?

Players can get a Metagross that knows Meteor Mash by evolving their Metang to Metagross or catching a Metagross during Pokemon GO Fest 2023 Global on August 26 and 27, 2023. Being a Legacy Move, it will only be available during the hours of the event.

This appears to be the only way of getting Metagross to learn Meteor Mash in the foreseeable future without using an item. Considering it is an event-exclusive move, if you wish to get the move after the event, you have to invest in an Elite Charged TM.

An Elite Charged TM will let you select Meteor Mash as one of the moves for Metagross even after the event expires.

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