Canadian TV Personality Melyssa Ford, during an episode of The Joe Budden Podcast on November 3, insinuated that American rapper Cam'ron and Mase sleep with underage girls. In the episode, she can be seen discussing the current atmosphere where more and more s*xual assault lawsuits are being filed against personalities as the New York Adult Survivors Act expiry date draws closer.

The panelists on the podcasts play an audio file where Cam'ron and Mase recall their visit to an alleged "wh**e house" and talk about having s*x with prostitutes when Melyssa said:

"Stories upon stories of women coming forward and talking about the fact that, that is not exactly the way I remember the story happening."

A panelist on the podcast responded by saying that what she said was not right and that the rappers just told that they went to a "wh**e house", to which Melyssa Ford responded by saying:

"Says them, and, is there a distinct possibility that there may have been underage girls at the party."
A user calls Ford "reckless" (image via @paradiseparis on Instagram)

This scene from the episode went viral and people online slammed Melyssa for insinuating or allegedly accusing someone without having solid proof.

"Her statement was defamatory" say Netizens about Melyssa Ford

After Melyssa Ford voiced her opinion, the co-host and other personalities present on the show, took offense and called her "crazy" to make such a claim. They also called her claim "disgusting" and immediately shut it down.

Netizens after watching the video expressed varied opinions. Some said that a speculatory statement such as that could harm the rapper's career while others pointed out that Cam'ron and Mase shouldn't have gone public with their story of having s*x with prostitutes given the current environment where lawsuits are being filed everyday.

Others find her claims defamatory (image via @carrieunwritten on Instagram)
Another user calls her careless (image via @milknyc on Instagram)
A user agrees with Melyssa (image via @rubydancyo on Instagram)
A user disagrees with the panelists on the episode (Image via @theclosetratchet on Instagram)
Another user disagrees with Ford (image via @thesnookishow_ on Instagram)

Although Melyssa Ford on November 5, during another episode of The Joe Budden Podcast apologized to the rappers saying:

"I apologize, I should never have made that insinuation."

Cam'ron, during an episode of It is What It Is, warned her and said that he knows a lot of people in ICE, and he could have her escorted back across the border. He also said he'd get a petition to get her out of the country by making two calls.

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